Burcombe Haulage’s new Volvo FH500 tc will be on the road from 1st June and comes with a fuel saving engine and equipment required for new driving safety regulations in London.
The Volvo turbo compound engine features an ‘I-Save’ package, which equates to an overall saving of 5% on fuel – advantageous for the nationwide mileage this truck covers.
With additional devices fitted to achieve a safety permit to comply with the London Direct Vision Standard, the vehicle has a close proximity sensor, blind spot cameras, class V and VI mirrors and an audible alert for when the vehicle is turning left.
With the support of our local dealer Stuarts Truck and Bus, Burcombe were able to trial their demonstrator vehicle and a subsequent purchase was made. The vehicle will be the first new truck for driver Robin Burton and replaces his outgoing 5 year old FH500.